Happy new year!

Thank you 2014

For the memories of the road trip to an abandoned village in the Thar desert

For the memories of a road trip to the Niligiri forests in the South

For the good, the bad

The hugs, the fights

For my dog, my husband, my birds, and fish

As the year ended, I reconnected with old friends

People I loved, yet forgot

2015 brings me the promise of

New memories, love, and laughter

a baby perhaps

someone like a doll whom I can cuddle and who I hope is my Mumma returning to me in her new avatar

I miss you Mumma–the pain won’t ever go away. I learn to deal with it better each passing year. But you will always be the most important person in my life

May you have a happy new year! I can actually picture you–just you and Papa sipping your peg of whiskey as you look down and bless me this new year. 🙂